Terms & Conditions

Terms of Use

When you access the site, use its content, or register on www.infowolfsolutions.com, you will be subject to the following Terms of Use.
Please refer to the following document for instructions on how to use the website and the services it provides.
Should you disagree with the terms and conditions of use for the site, Infowolf Solutions reserves the right to deny you access to the site.

User Representation

You represent and warrant to the Site that:
  • Your jurisdiction does not recognize you as a minor;
  • As a user, you agree to abide by these Terms of Service;
  • You provide us with accurate, current, and complete information;
  • Maintain the accuracy of the information you share and update it promptly when needed;
  • Your access to the Site doesn't come from an automated means like a robot, script, or anything like that;
  • Using the Site in an unauthorized or illegal manner is prohibited.
Providing us with inaccurate or incomplete information may result in the suspension of your access to the site and/or the termination of your registration/account/service agreement.

User Content

All materials/content submitted or shared with us shall remain the property of the user. This includes text, images, documents, PDFs, audio, video, or other content you upload to our server or send us by email. We'll hold users accountable for what they upload.
By sharing content on the site, you agree that:
  • We hold permission to use your content;
  • Upon finding unauthorized content, we reserve the right to remove it and report it;
  • It is your responsibility to ensure that Your Content is accurate and up-to-date;
  • Content posted on this site must be appropriate, true, and not misleading;
  • The license lets Infowolf Solutions use, display, edit, and modify your content.

Intellectual Property Rights

As long as nothing else is specified herein, the Site, as well as the content contained in the Site, including, but not limited to, text, graphics, source code, databases, website designs, audio, video, software, and functionality features (collectively, the "Content"), are our proprietary digital assets. Infowolf Solutions owns, operates, and licenses the trademarks, service marks, and logos displayed on this site, and these are protected under the Copyright Act of 1976 and international intellectual property laws.
Downloading, copying, sharing, posting, distributing, republishing, reproducing, or otherwise transmitting the site's content is prohibited without the full permission of Infowolf Solutions.
It is at Infowolf Solutions' discretion whether users and clients are granted permission to use content published on the Site. It is forbidden to use, share, or sell content accessed or acquired through the website. Neither the user nor the client may remove copyright/proprietary notations from the content he accesses on our site, nor may they transfer the site information to another party via mirroring copying, or duplication.


All services and content provided through the site will be provided as-is and as available. It is entirely at your discretion whether you access the site and use its services. With regard to the site, we disclaim all warranties, either expressed or implied. There are no warranties or representations made about the accuracy or completeness of the information on the site or on any websites linked to the site, and we disclaim all responsibility and liability for any and all errors and omissions, including but not limited to:
  • Incorrect and omitted content on the website;
  • The unauthorized use of our secure servers or our financial information;
  • Site outage or interruption of data transmission;
  • Files, applications, and software that might contain viruses, bugs, Trojan horses, or malicious code.

Third-Party Links

It is possible for the Site to contain links to third-party websites. The authority and accuracy of these links are not reviewed by Infowolf Solutions.
Our site, any hyperlinked website, or any website or mobile application featured in any banner or media feature integrated into the site are not warranted, guaranteed, endorsed, or held accountable for any product or service advertised by a third party. The information/content provided on their site is not the responsibility of Infowolf Solutions. If you decide to use such links, please do so with your utmost discretion.

Errors and Omissions

There may be errors and omissions in the content published on the site. Neither we warrant nor hold ourselves responsible for any error or omission contained in our content.
Our team checks the content on the site for errors and inaccuracies and reserves the right to correct the information at any time, without prior notice, and to change or update the information


Any company or individual affiliated with Infowolf Solutions, its directors, employees, representatives, or agents shall not be held liable for any consequential, incidental, or punitive damages arising out of your use of the site, including decreased or lost profit, revenue loss, data loss, or other damage.
Our liability shall be limited by a value determined by Infowolf Solutions, regardless of any contrary information contained on the site.


Infowolf Solutions, its associates, affiliates, officers, members, managers, agents, successors, and assigns (the “Indemnified Parties”) are indemnified, defended, and held harmless against any and all claims, liabilities, demands, damages, and costs, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, resulting from or related to:
  • Services provided under the Site, such as design and content development;
  • the event you breach any of the terms outlined herein, or in any other Service Agreement signed by you, you will be responsible;
  • the violation of third-party rights to copy, intellectual property, or other proprietary information.

Dispute Resolution

In the event either of us brings a legal action of any nature (collectively, the "Parties" and individually, a "Party"), the Federal Court of California will have exclusive jurisdiction.
The parties agree that venue and jurisdiction in such territories, provinces, and federal courts are convenient and waive all defenses of lack of personal jurisdiction and forum non-convenient.

Change to the Terms of Use

At any time, without prior notice, Infowolf Solutions may modify these Terms of Use. This page is a good place to start before you go to the site or use the services. The above clauses may be changed, altered, or updated by adding, removing, repealing, or changing the existing ones.